
Technical Division, School of Engineering, Tohoku University

Instrumental Analysis Group

Home >> Satellite 1 (Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Materials Processing)

Instruments of Satellite 1


Electron microscope room
TEM1, TEM2, TEM3 FE-SEM1, FE-SEM2, FE-SEM3 Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscope1,
Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscope2
Ion milling FIB sample finishing equipment AES
NMR room
NMR (600MHz, 400MHz,300MHz)


XPS (X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer)

Model ThermoFisher Scientific, Theta Probe
X-ray Source Monochromated, Al Kα
X-ray spot size ⌀200µm (min. ⌀15µm)
Spectrometer Hemispherical analyzer (SCA)
Angle resolution measurement Maximum 96 divisions (sample inclination is unnecessary)
Detection depth A few nm or less (surface area)
Size of sample 70mm × 70mm × 25mm (max.)
Target element Li -
Accesary devices Angle resolving measurement, neutralizing gun
Applications Detect and separate the photoelectrons generated when the sample is irradiated with X-rays, and qualitatively analyze each element on the material surface and measure the chemical composition on the surface.
Person in charge Akao, Ohira
Notes Please contact the person in charge in advance to consult with us.
This equipment is managed and operated by the Instrumental Analysis Group on commission from the "Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Materials Processing". Those who do not belong to "Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Materials Processing" staff are required to submit an application form distributed at the first visit.

EPMA (Electron Probe Microanalyzer)

Model JEOL, JXA-8530F
Electron gun Schottky-type field emission (FE) electron gun
Number of spectrometer 5 (crystal spectrometers: 10)
Resolution µm
Sample holder ⌀25mm × 19mmh
Element B -
Accesary devices EDS (B -)
Applications Characteristic X-rays of each element generated when the sample is irradiated with an electron beam are detected, and element mapping and material composition are quantitatively analyzed.
Person in charge Akao, Ohira
Notes Please contact the person in charge in advance to consult with us.
This equipment is managed and operated by the Instrumental Analysis Group on commission from the "Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Materials Processing". Those who do not belong to "Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Materials Processing" staff are required to submit an application form distributed at the first visit.

AES (Auger Electron Spectrometer)

Model ULVAC-PHI, PHI 710
Electron gun Field emission type electron gun
Spectrometer Cylindrical mirror analyzer (CMA)
Detection depth A few nm or less
Sample size 35mm × 35mm × 12mmh
(With 2 inch holder)
Target elements Li -
Accessory devices Low Temperature Rupture
Transfer vessel
High resolution AES spectrum measurement function
Applications Auger electrons generated when a specimen is irradiated with an electron beam are detected, and element mapping is measured. In addition, analysis of the distribution and composition of elements in the depth direction of the material in the sample is performed together with sputter etching.
Person in charge Ohira, Akao
Notes Please contact the person in charge in advance to consult with us. This equipment is managed and operated by the Instrumental Analysis Group on commission from the "Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Materials Processing". Those who do not belong to "Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Materials Processing" staff are required to submit an application form distributed at the first visit.

GD-OES (Glow discharge optical emission spectrometer)

Model HORIBA JOBIN YVON, GD-Profiler 2
Lamp Marcus type
Anode diameter ⌀4mm (standard)
Spectrometer Polychrometer (45), monochromator (1)
Depth resolution nm order
Sample size More than ⌀10mm
Target elements H -
Accessory devices Small sample measuring device
Applications The sample is sputter-etched by high-frequency pulsed glow discharge, and the sputtered particles released from the sample are excited and emitted in the glow discharge, and spectroscopic analysis is performed to qualitatively and quantitatively analyze the elements in the depth direction.
Person in charge Ohira, Akao
Notes Please contact the person in charge in advance to consult with us. This equipment is managed and operated by the Instrumental Analysis Group on commission from the "Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Materials Processing". Those who do not belong to "Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Materials Processing" staff are required to submit an application form distributed at the first visit.

XRF (X-ray Fluorescence analyzer)

Model HORIBA, XGT-5000
X-ray spot size ⌀10µm, ⌀100µm
Maximum measurement area 100mm × 100mm
Energy range 0 - 40keV
Mapping area 512µm × 512µm - 100mm × 100mm
Target elements Na -
Accessory devices XY scanning stage
Transmission X-rays imaging
Applications Scanning while irradiating the material with X-rays narrowed down by X-ray conduit with ⌀10 µm or ⌀100 µm and perform elemental analysis, element mapping and structural analysis of the sample by transmission X-ray imaging or fluorescent X-ray measurement.
Person in charge Ohira, Akao
Notes Please contact the person in charge in advance to consult with us. This equipment is managed and operated by the Instrumental Analysis Group on commission from the "Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Materials Processing". Those who do not belong to "Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Materials Processing" staff are required to submit an application form distributed at the first visit.

Electron microscope room

TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope)

Accelerating voltage 200, 80kV
Resolution (particle image) 0.082nm (STEM), 0.27nm (TEM)
Electron gun Cold cathode field emission gun
Sample inclination angle X:±35° Y:±30°
Accessory devices Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDX)
Electron energy-loss spectroeter (EELS)
ASTAR Topspin
STEM ADF detector
split type detector(4 divisions)
Bottom mounted CMOS camera
Applications Morphological observation, structure analysis, composition analysis at micro regions.
Person in charge Kobayashi,Tanno
Notes Please contact with the person in charge by e-mail when using.
This equipment is managed and operated by the Instrumental Analysis Group on commission from the "Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Materials Processing".

TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope)

Model JEOL, JEM-2100 (HR)
Accelerating voltage 200kV
Resolution (particle image) 0.23nm
Electron gun LaB6 electron gun
Acceptance angle X:±35° Y:±30°
Accessory devices Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDX)
STEM detector
Bottom mounted CCD camera
Applications Morphological observation, structure analysis, composition analysis at micro regions.
Person in charge Kobayashi
Notes Please contact with the person in charge by e-mail when using.
This equipment is managed and operated by the Instrumental Analysis Group on commission from the "Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Materials Processing".

TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope)

Model JEOL, JEM-2100 (HC)
Accelerating voltage 200kV
Resolution (particle image) 0.31nm
Electron gun LaB6 electron gun
Acceptance angle X:±38° Y:±30°
Accessory devices Bottom mounted CCD camera
Applications Morphological observation and structural analysis at micro regions.
Person in charge Kobayashi
Notes Please contact with the person in charge by e-mail when using.
This equipment is managed and operated by the Instrumental Analysis Group on commission from the "Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Materials Processing".

FE-SEM (Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope)

Model JEOL, JSM-7800F
Accelerating voltage 0.01 - 30kV
Resolution 0.8nm (15kV), 1.2nm (1kV)
Electron gun Hot cathode field emission gun
Acceptance angle -5 - +70°
Accessory devices Upper detector
Backscattered electron detector
Crystal orientation analyzer (TSL HIKARI)
Applications Morphological observation, structural analysis of sample surface.
Person in charge Kobayashi
Notes Please contact with the person in charge by e-mail when using.
This equipment is managed and operated by the Instrumental Analysis Group on commission from the "Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Materials Processing".

FE-SEM (Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope)

Model JEOL, JXA-8530F
Accelerating voltage 1 - 30kV
Resolution 3.0nm (30kV)
Electron gun Hot cathode field emission gun
Accessory devices Backscattered electron detector
Wavelength dispersive X-ray spectrometer (WDX)
Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDX)
Applications Morphological observation, structural analysis of sample surface.
Person in charge Kobayashi
Notes Please contact with the person in charge by e-mail when using.
This equipment is managed and operated by the Instrumental Analysis Group on commission from the "Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Materials Processing".

FE-SEM (Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope)

Accelerating voltage 0.01~30kV
Resolution 0.5nm (15kV),0.7nm (1kV)
Electron gun Hot cathode field emission gun
Acceptance angle -5~+75°
Accessory devices Upper detector
Upward hybrid detector
Backscattered electron detector
Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDX)
Crystal orientation analyzer (TSL Orion)
Soft X-Ray Emission Spectrometer(SXES)
Applications Morphological observation, structural analysis, composition analysis of sample surface.
Person in charge Kobayashi
Notes Please contact with the person in charge by e-mail when using.
This equipment is managed and operated by the Instrumental Analysis Group on commission from the "Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Materials Processing".

Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscope

Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscope
Model JEOL, JIB-4600F
Accelerating voltage 0.2 - 30kV (SEM) 1 - 30kV (FIB)
Image resolution 1.2nm (30kV, SEM) 5.0nm (30kV, FIB)
Ion source, Electron gun Hot cathode field emission electron gun (SEM)
Ga liquid metal ion source (FIB)
Accessory devices backscattered electron detector
Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDX)
Gas injection system (C, W)
Nano manipulator system (OmniProbe)
Crystal orientation analyzer (TSL)
Applications Morphological observation, structural analysis, composition analysis of sample surface.
Sample processing in the micro range.
Person in charge Kobayashi
Notes Please contact with the person in charge by e-mail when using.
This equipment is managed and operated by the Instrumental Analysis Group on commission from the "Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Materials Processing".

Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscope

Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscope2
Model JEOL, JIB-PS500i
Accelerating voltage 0.01 - 30kV (SEM) 0.5 - 30kV (FIB)
Image resolution 0.7nm (15kV, SEM) 3.0nm (30kV, FIB)
Ion source, Electron gun Hot cathode field emission electron gun (SEM)
Ga liquid metal ion source (FIB)
Accessory devices backscattered electron detector
Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDX)
Gas injection system (C, W)
Nano manipulator system (Oxford OmniProbe400)
Crystal orientation analyzer (Oxford Symmetry S3)
Applications Morphological observation, structural analysis, composition analysis of sample surface.
Sample processing in the micro range.
Person in charge Kobayashi,Tanno
Notes Please contact with the person in charge by e-mail when using.
This equipment is managed and operated by the Instrumental Analysis Group on commission from the "Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Materials Processing".

Ion milling

Model Gatan PIPSⅡ cool Model695
Gas Ar
Accelerating voltage Max. 8kV
Irradiation angle ±10°
Accessory devices Cooling processing
Applications Polishing of flaked samples.
Person in charge Kobayashi
Notes Please contact with the person in charge by e-mail when using.
This equipment is managed and operated by the Instrumental Analysis Group on commission from the "Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Materials Processing".

FIB sample finishing equipment

Model Fischione Model 1040 Nanomill
Gas Ar
Accelerating voltage Max. 2kV
Beam diameter About 2µm
Irradiation angle -10 - +20°
Accessory devices Liquid nitrogen cooling stage
Applications Damage removal of flaked sample.
Person in charge Kobayashi
Notes Please contact with the person in charge by e-mail when using.
This equipment is managed and operated by the Instrumental Analysis Group on commission from the "Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Materials Processing".

AES (Auger Electron Spectrometer)

Model JEOL, JAMP-9610F
Electron gun Hot cathode field emission gun
Spectrometer Concentric hemispherical electrostatic analyzer
Detection depth A few nm or less
Accessory devices Reflective electron detector
Low Temperature Rupture
Transfer vessel
Specimen parking
Sputtering & neutralizing ion gun
Applications Composition analysis by Auger electron spectroscopy, chemical state measurement.Depth profile measurement using Ar ion sputtering.Estimation of chemical state by reflection EELS measurement.
Person in charge Tanno
Notes Please contact with the person in charge by e-mail when using.
This equipment is managed and operated by the Instrumental Analysis Group on commission from the "Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Materials Processing".

NMR room

NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) 600MHz

Model JEOL, ECZL-600
Magnet 14T, Bore diameter: 54mm
Solid sample measurement
(Telemetry compatible)
・2mmFX/MAS F free probe(number of revolutions 40kHz、-100~+100℃)
・3.2mmAutoMAS probe(number of revolutions 22kHz、-60~+150℃)、Gel measurement possible
・3.2mm wide temperature range HXMAS probe(number of revolutions 22kHz、-100~+200℃)、Gel measurement possible
・Magnetic field application probe for diffusion measurement(2000G/cm@50A)

・2.5mm double resonance(1H,31P~15N)
・M-range for solids at room temperature MAS、can rotate up to 15 kHz(7Li, 11B, 29Si, 27Al etc)
・L-range for solids at room temperature MAS、can rotate up to 15 kHz(17O, 137Ba, 10B, 35Cl etc)
・6mmφ probe for Y nucleus for solids at room temperature MAS、can rotate up to 10 kHz
・8mm for low-γ(29Si~25Mg)
・4mm 89Y-1H CP only
・4mm 27Al-1H CP only
・1.3mm Middle range(11B~29Si)
・1mm F free
・1mm F free double resonance(1H-13C)
Liquid sample measurement
(Telemetry compatible)
・5mmROYAL HFX double/triple resonance probe with variable temperature(~180℃)
・Magnetic field application probe for diffusion measurement(2000G/cm@50A)
Applications Local structure analysis around atoms is possible for organic and inorganic materials. Even compounds with low crystallinity can be measured, and a horizontal axis that depends on the crystal structure can be obtained. In addition, the diffusion coefficient of battery materials can be obtained regardless of whether they are liquids or solids.
Person in charge Ando*
Notes Please contact the person in charge when you wish to use the equipment.
This equipment is managed and operated by the Instrumental Analysis Group on commission from the "Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Materials Processing".
* Dispatched from Education Support Group to support NMR measurement.

NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) 400MHz

Model JEOL, ECZL-400G
Magnet 9.4T, Bore radius: 54mm
Solid sample measurement
(Telemetry compatible)
・2mmFX/MAS F free probe(number of revolutions 40kHz、-100~+100℃)、supports MQ-MS measurement
・Magnetic field application probe for diffusion measurement(1200G/cm@30A)
・4mm wide temperature range HXMAS probe(number of revolutions 18kHz、-100~+200℃)
   ・(-150°C - 150°C, max. rotation speed: 12kHz)
Liquid sample measurement
(Telemetry compatible)
・5mmROYAL HFX double/triple resonance probe with variable temperature(~180℃)
・Magnetic field application probe for diffusion measurement(1200G/cm@30A)
Applications Local structure analysis around atoms is possible for organic and inorganic materials. Even compounds with low crystallinity can be measured, and a horizontal axis that depends on the crystal structure can be obtained. In addition, the diffusion coefficient of battery materials can be obtained regardless of whether they are liquids or solids.
Person in charge Ando*
Notes Please contact the person in charge when you wish to use the equipment.
This equipment is managed and operated by the Instrumental Analysis Group on commission from the "Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Materials Processing".
* Dispatched from Education Support Group to support NMR measurement.

NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) 300MHz

Model JEOL, ECZ-300R
Magnet 7T, Bore radius: 89mm
Solid sample measurement
(Telemetry compatible)
・4mm High temperature diffusion probe(Diffusion coefficient can be measured from room temperature to 500℃) 
・4mmφMAS Probe(13C, 7Li, 31P, 11B etc)
・4mmφHigh temperature laser MAS Probe(Up to 600°C temperature rise possible)
Applications Local structure analysis around atoms is possible for organic and inorganic materials. Even compounds with low crystallinity can be measured, and a horizontal axis that depends on the crystal structure can be obtained. In addition, the diffusion coefficient of battery materials can be obtained regardless of whether they are liquids or solids.
Person in charge Ando*
Notes Please contact the person in charge when you wish to use the equipment.
This equipment is managed and operated by the Instrumental Analysis Group on commission from the "Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Materials Processing".
* Dispatched from Education Support Group to support NMR measurement.
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